happy new year!!
welcome 2010!!
another fresh new year is here..
another year to live!!!
to banish worry,,doubt and fear...
to love and laugh and give..chill!!
rse cepat mse bejalan kan..
da masuk new year..cam x caye..
but i must accept it with full hand..
azam da dibuat,,cuma tinggal laksanakan aje..
jgn sampai tak tercapai..hope again..
ari ni 1.1.2010..
x de ape yang dibuat oleh ku..
juz stay at home..new year at home..
wit my mom,,dad and lovely si chenta..
x de gi mane2 pun..siang juz lepak ngn min kat old town,,
pastu mlm tu aku ngan si chenta plan juz nk tgk movie
jek..so,,kebetulan nabilah pun nk tgk gak..so,kitorg tgk same2..
aku+si chenta+nabila+abg yus..
tgk avatar..
erm..quite ok gak la cite ni..
funny,love and more action..
tp graphics yang die gune dlm cite ni mmg best..
nmpak sme original..
abis kul12.50am..laa,da new year upenye..
celebrate dlm wayang..hepi new year semua..
then,balek tu prut bunyi cam bunyi fireworks gak..lapor..
aku and si chenta mkn kat mcd je..
tp new year ni aku hope for happiness..happy ngan
life aku..new cinnonet..new life..new kerjaya..
new character..n hope si chenta sayang aku more than
last year..syg ikhlas cam aku syg die..
welcome for the new life of cinnonet!!!

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.:silent mode story and no ending:.